why UMAMI?
Umami, known as the "fifth taste," goes alongside sweet, salty, sour, and bitter, as one of our 5 basic tastes.
Our uniquely Umami infused beef patties are complemented with naturally umami-rich foods like truffle, aged cheeses, tomatoes, and miso.
The result is a flavour explosion unlike any other!We think Umami is the key to creating the perfect burger.
A brief history lesson…
Umami was discovered by Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda in 1908. He discovered the savory flavour he was investigating came from glutamate (a protein).
Umami has since been found in foods the world over including ripe tomatoes, aged cheeses,vegemite, mushrooms, soy sauce, and fermented products like miso and fish sauce.
At Umami House, every element is designed to awaken your taste buds and redefine your burger experience.